project team
Client | Queensland Rail
Architect | Solution Positive Architecture
Shire | Brisbane City Council
Located in Geebung, Brisbane, Queensland Rail’s Multi User Depot is large sprawling facility that includes offices, workshops and numerous other Queensland Rail based activities.
The site includes three existing buildings, a workshop, a plant maintenance shed, a shared services building, car park shelters, rail storage yards and open space.
The aim was to establish a more dynamic, sustainable landscape that is functional and improve the overall character associated with new built form proposed by the Architect.
Planting character is to be dominated by species that are low-maintenance and drought tolerant while addressing and contributing to the needs of users such as the comfort and amenity of outdoor spaces throughout the site. Safety and stormwater filtration were also priorities and the consideration of species maturity and growth habits was also considered.
The landscape aimed to rejuvenate a number of overland flow paths that wind throughout the site and connect to Downfall Creek – the adjoining catchment zone.
Achieving objectives of Water Sensitive Urban Design through the enhancement of these existing site ‘swales’ and overland flow paths was an major consideration and re-vegetation and rehabilitation of these ‘swales’ to improve storm water quality runoff and water flow, aimed to improve the large rail infrastructure yards to the rear of the site.
Decorative ornamental planting was also considered for pedestrian scaled areas where staff members transit and congregate and is an important inclusion to the outdoor environments with the aim to enhance external areas for users of the site.
streetscape context
Streetscape context including street trees to Bilsen Road were retained to maintain the existing character of the site frontage, meet the Local Authority requirements and also assist in diminishing visual impacts of large expanses of ‘built form’.
water sensitive urban design
This site applies best practice stormwater management which helps to protect the health of our waterways. The aim is to protect and maintain healthy ecosystems through smart management of water.
Meet water quality objectives
Water quality objectives are determined by the National Water Quality Management Strategy and Queensland Environment Protection (Water) Policy. These strategies and guidelines encourage development that is sustainable that protects our water assets.
Stormwater outlets flow to adjoining waterway
Stormwater flows to creeks and catchments. Minimise the impacts of storm water from new development and protect and restore existing adjoining storm water systems, creeks and catchments.
Erosion protection and structural controls
Erosion is easily managed with simple protection devices both during construction and for the life of any project. During significant rain events, peak stormwater flows can be reduced through utilisation of temporary storage. This minimises public health risks, damage to property, erosion and aquatic habitat disturbance.
Basin design
Basins are commonly used to mitigate flows from infrequent storm events. Optimising the basin performance is a careful cosideration in design. Infiltration basins are designed to infiltrate runoff through the floor of the basin.
Landscape design for filtration
Integrated and comprehensive treatment of bio-physical landscape components. Native grasses of specific species within the open channels and basin network are designed to intercept and convey surface runoff.
This promotes infiltration and interception of particulate material by the vegetation, and in addition to this provides an aesthetic landscape element.