Ipswich Strategic Streetscape Initiative

Ipswich | Queensland | Australia 

project team

Client | Ipswich City Council

Streetscapes are a significant component of a city. They are places where people work, live and play and are the ‘backbone’ to the greater urban fabric. Designing and implementing streetscapes to a high amenity provides considerable benefits both socially and economically. 

Improving streetscapes has many benefits. These include protection of the environment, creating inviting places for people, improving amenity value as well as stimulating business activity.

Good design in streetscapes considers all these aspects as well as the protection and enhancement of the infrastructure elements within the streetscape. With so many things to consider, upgrading a streetscape can be costly, however the benefits achieved outweigh the initial cost.

Ipswich Strategic Streetscape Masterplan

Principles of Great Streetscapes

Streetscapes take up a significant amount of space in our communities. It makes perfect sense to ensure they are planned and delivered properly. 

integrated design

There are many things to consider. Lighting, pedestrians, vegetation, safety, traffic signals, shade, services overhead, service underneath and the list goes on.

Considering all of these elements and positioning them appropriately for the long term is crucial. Expert advice on each element is required.

design has the power to define communities

design can ignite local economies

hierarchy within community

Depending on the type of street, the Authority it is owned by, and the nature of the local area, the design may differ. Each Authority has specific guidelines and standards.

Meeting all of these aspects can be difficult while still achieving the desired result. Ensuring the proposed design is appropriate to

scale and proportion is important to achieve balance in design.


Pedestrian safety is high on the list when designing streetscapes. Appropriate sight-lines, crash barriers, speed limits and traffic calming devices all contribute to the urban character and feel. 

urban character & feel

future growth and protection of community assets

Protection of services from vegetation and appropriate construction methods are further considerations.

Mature trees if not planned well can damage infrastructure and are a significant cost implication for future generations. Careful planning and knowledgeable expertise is required.

Ipswich City Council Streetscape Vision

Ipswich City Council’s streetscape vision is to promote an attractive Ipswich, promote diversity and character, respect the environment and enhance the urban context. 

This streetscape initiative program aimed to review, assess and propose improvements and upgrades to a number of entry points, shopping strips, primary thoroughfares and arterial roadways surrounding the Ipswich region.  

Citicene were engaged to review each streetscape, determine an appropriate design strategy based on the regional context and propose upgrades. 

Landscape character was determined by the surrounding context of each individual precinct and included consideration of the local built form, historical context and use, and also consideration of the surrounding existing vegetation.

Landscape treatments included street trees, street furniture, feature pavements, other feature elements such as flagpoles as well as pocket park enhancements.  

In addition to this, some precincts required the assessment and application of stringent TMR – Department of Transport and Main Roads requirements including setbacks for vegetation to allow for clear sight-lines and vehicle safety zones.  

Streetscapes completed included:  

  • Brisbane Road Bundamba  
  • Carole Park  
  • Haigslea  
  • Kruger Parade  
  • Mount Crosby Road  
  • Warwick Road

Citicene delivered ideas, concepts and schematic design deliverables for each precinct throughout the region.

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